Let's get this slant turbo project started. 71 Dart

The one on the left looks like a boat carb, you sure it's a 350? Usually those are about a 270 or something and they came on International stuff. The other carb looks like it would work just fine but appears to be missing a lot of pieces?

Also your supersix rusty looking intake with the single adapter plate is exactly how my carb is mounted. Did you go with a 6" radius for the U bend or longer?

You know I don't know for certain if it is a 350, it was sold to me by another member as a 350 but I know he used it on his turbo project with good results. The price was right and it was a known quantity so I jumped on it. He threw in the adapter which was great as now I don't have to find one. The rusty intake is a spare I picked up a decade ago when I was able to find Super 6 setups at Pick n Pulls. Have not seen one in ages. My dart came with a good running super six intake and carb on it. Had no idea it was on it when I bought it. Works much better than my 67 slant six super six did.

The other carb is a 6425 and I believe a circle track carb. 650 cfm. Here is link with some better pictures.

I got a good deal on it earlier in the year or last year and it was admittedly an impulse buy, but I wonder if I can make it work? Guess I can put it on and see if it works? Two of the other carbs were free and the other is one I got off FABO for 10 bucks. One is a 450 vacuum and the other is supposed to be a 600 vacuum, the big one is hard to identify as the choke horn has been cut off, but supposedly came off a 427 chevy. Too big and not a true double pumper. These are parts carbs for the most part.

Mulling over getting a 600 or 650 double pumper in the future if the big two barrel does not work out. The big two barrel is discontinued and not a lot of information about them. I found a couple posts about them not being so good on the street. The 650 double pumper is a very common carb, lots of different uses, lots of parts, it may be the winner in the long run.

AS for the pipe: Dynomax 42392 Mandrel J-Bend - Aluminized Steel
Mandrel J-Bend - Aluminized Steel
Tube OD: 2-1/2''
Radius (R): 3-1/2''
A: 6''
B: 15''
C: 4-1/2''
16 Gauge

Today was all about fighting my way into the garage and finding all the parts I have been accumulating. See what is missing and what I think I still need. Found a battery box and battery tray. I think I will go with your idea of bolting in the battery tray. Save the battery box for another project. Picked up 20 feet of welding cable recently, think I need a couple more terminals. Also thinking of putting on a kill switch for theft prevention.