$8k intake!

Dragondan, I would like to see pictures of the cars and engines posted in a separate thread. Maybe it could be a tribute to your dad.

Yeah that's the plan after I go home to Florida I am finishing up the inventory and will document everything for insurance reasons and can post what my dad will let me lol! He has been robbed more then once and thinks posting pics is like advertising his stuff to be stolen, he's an old school guy but will try my best to get some posted maybe after the holidays are done, Will be going home to Scotland for Christmas and New years too. And there is a guy from here already doing a tribute/story about Grand Spaulding Dodge and has contacted us for some documents and pics and of course stories from the good old days when dad raced for them from 1964 to 1971-2, the guy is a writer and will be doing a whole story after he picks my dads brain for stories. Should be great!