Bike lift...

Prices vary some. Decent ones are in the $700-$800 range. But all the ones I looked at were 84-86" long or so. Mine is 108" long. Some of the ones I looked at had an extension for the length....for another $200 or so. I need to be able to move it with a bike on it. Did not see one that could be moved loaded. Including the Ram and casters I think I spent $600 or so. All depends on how bad you get bent over on the metal. When I went to get a quote the 2 pieces (14' total) I got quoted $175. When I bought it the 20' stick cost me $100. Piece of plate I used for the deck was even worse. 2' x 3' 1/8" quote was $88. 3' x 4' remnant cost me $29.

Hope to have the chopper on it today....