Our Stroker Build - Looking for comments good or bad!!

Money spent on engine coatings is money well spent. The tops and sides of the pistons are the first place to start.

This is a race truck isn't it? Then why not 13 to 1 compression with a matched head ported for a roller mechanical roller cam and some high dollar springs from someone like Dave Hughes or Dwayne Porter?

I run a similar compression with a much smaller hydraulic roller on the street, and it's badass! Cost me $3 a gallon more for fuel, burning 101 octane unleaded, so what. How much fuel do you pump through this thing? I used to figure a dollar a day or less in the average year, but along comes Jamie Passon. Now, I get 9mpg city and 15+ freeway at 70 mph with 720 some odd HP. You can have your cake and eat it too.

'Quick story: I'm in a double turning lane to get on the freeway with one of those Dodge Super trucks. he yells, Hell Yah! out his window as we are the first lanes of a double left turn lane onto a freeway. The light turns green, I hear his tires screech. I carefully wait until my car is pointed in the direction I want it to go, and then full throttle it 1st through 4th gear. It was contorting, twisting the tires and pretty much just out of shape. By then, I'm well over 100 mph and on the brakes, and he is still half way down the on ramp under full throttle....half way back there. I still had another gear, thank you Mr Passon.

If its a track only car, all I have to do is change the cam and gears and I'll pick up 50+ HP. well past the limit of the stock block. Compression is awesome. I hear 9 to 1 built motors come tiredly lumping into car shows, and its pathetic. What else can you call it. they rev good, but they don't have that pop. There's nothing like the pop of high compression until you get to nitro methane. That stuff is the sound of legends and we all know what that stuff sounds like!

Rent a plasma cutter and lighten that truck. Mig in some re-enforcements and get it down closer to 3500 lbs. You can easily take 400+ lbs of that truck.

You can hide a lot, unless they scale the car.