demon 3" exhaust routing?

Totally. They make pre-bent stuff too. I put the full length TTI 3 inch on my Formula S 366cid clone, with dynomax muffs. My motor dont want no stinking back-pressure. Ran it on my 318-4v too.After a slight retune that 318 did pretty good.Granted the 3inchers are overkill on a 318/so what? The headers cant scavenge into back-pressure.The pipe size to cid ratio, is a minimum, not max.Race motors run open headers; so.....wheres the back-pressure in that? If the pistons have to push the exhaust out, would that be "negative energy"? Anyway thats power lost to the wheels.Sure theres such a thing as "overscavenging". But since headers generally can only be tuned over a fairly narrow rpm band,I wouldnt be overly concerned with it. When the exhaust is hot it occupies a larger space than when it has cooled. That translates to big headpipes.And somewhat reduced tailpipes are possible,if you have fitment issues.For me I solved my fitment issues.So yeah,3inch might be more than a small block needs,85%(pick a number) of the time, but when my engine is pulling hard and money is on the line, I dont want to be thinking about negative energy. I want to be concentrating on banging the next shift, and getting on down the track.
-And BTW, my 366 has over 125000miles on it with those pipes.It has gone 93 in the 1/8th with a [email protected] cam. Lack of backpressure hasnt seemed to hurt it.And just so you know,That system,at full song,is fairly loud.Not annoying type loud, just voluminous. I put turn-downs on it.
-Put backpressure on a vacuum cleaner. See how much that sucks.
End of rant.