Demon fold seat

I am looking for the corner pieces in the rear that go over the wheel well area on my 71 Demon, Anyone know what they are called so I can start asking around for them? Mine have gotten to the point that when you look at them they just crumble away...............

Uh, '71 Demon's didn't have fold down seats.

Fold down seats weren't available until '73. So, either you don't have a '71 Demon, or someone added that fold down seat. They can be added (I added one to my '74 Duster), but its not a small amount of work, and if it looks factory then it probably is. Which means, not a '71.

As far as the interior panels, they are not reproduced. I've seen them called a lot of things, although if you're looking on the 'net I usually just type interior panels and see what I get.

Here's a set on ebay
