Demon fold seat

"check the dash, core support, package tray, door sticker, fender tag, and maybe the rear trunk channel"

I have checked the obvious, dash VIN, and fender tag. I'll get out there and look at the core support and package tray in the next couple of days.
Thanks for the help.

No worries!

Just trying to help you out. It would be pretty lousy to find out that it's not a '71 Demon trying to sell it as such. And if it is a '71 Demon with a fold down seat added, it would be worth checking out because adding a fold down seat definitely effects the structural integrity of the car. It's not just a bolt in deal, the factory X-bracing has to be removed on a standard seat car to convert it to a fold down, and if the factory fold-down car bracing wasn't added back in it could be a problem for you later. Done correctly of course it would be fine, but as I mentioned before it's not a small undertaking to convert one and be factory correct.