Demon fold seat

Thank God it isn't my car. I would be headed to FL to have a heart to heart with Mr. Lloyd Olt of Clearwater Fl., who knowingly sold the car to my cousin as a Dodge Demon. Why even the appraiser/inspector for the bank didn't catch it wasn't what it was represented to be.
I never even realized it had a fold down rear seat until Saturday when I was helping him with the car ��

I believe the legal term is ""fraud". Misrepresenting an automobile is a federal crime especially if the car crossed state lines in the process. Your friend might be able to squeeze some "compensation" money out of the guy ESPECIALLY IF IT'S A DEALER!!! I have a friend who bought a supposedly running/driving 57 Chevy from out of state. The car did not run or drive (wasn't possible). After a few phone calls to the local Sheriff's office my friend ended up getting a few hundred dollars out of the guy for "misrepresentation".
Doesn't hurt to try???