Demon fold seat

Demon vin should start as lm23xxxxx or lm29xxxxxx.

Only the 340 Demons started with LM, and Demons would only have been LM29, LM23 is a Dart 340, not a Demon. Base level Demons came with the LL29 designation.

Like this one [ame=""][/ame], which is also being sold as a 340 car, despite a VIN that shows it starting as a /6 car. :angry5::angry4::violent1:

LL29C1B..........guess this guy in FL is laughing his *** off about this sale. Crying shame people are this way.

That partial VIN decodes as a 1971 Demon! But it does show the car came with a /6, not a 340. Vin decode is below, just ignore the 123456 sequence number :D. That also explains the '68 dash, a /6 Demon wouldn't have had a rallye dash. But a '68 barracuda would have...

But keep in mind that all the numbers might not match. That # could be off of the '71 that provided the front clip to a later Duster or Dart Sport. Do the rest of the VIN stamps match? That's the more important part. If the one on the package tray is the only one that doesn't match, it very well could be a Demon that had a fold down seat added. But in that case, I would pull the fold down seat apart to make sure the factory bracing was all there.

As far as the money to swap a later car over, having bought all the parts myself, it's less than the price difference between an early car and a late car. Meaning, its cheaper to buy a '73-76 car in good shape and use the front clip off of an early car than buy an early car in good shape as long as you're planning on painting either one. So, if you're going to plunk down 15k for a nice Demon, better to do that. But if you spend $2k on a rust free 74 Duster like I did, its easier to swap it over. Demon's can be kinda hard to find too.