Belt rubbing water pump

My water pump pulley is a single groove and it lines up with the outermost groove on the crank, does the non-AC set up have a different pulley there? Also, what's the difference in mounting hardware for the alternator?

I don't know if all the pulleys are the "proper" diameter/depth - they all look matched to each other, at least, but I'll have to double check that too. I don't think the water pump is the issue as it didn't rub when the alt belt was tight enough. Just that it had already worn that belt, plus the alt is really loose in its pivot so it's misaligned when tight.

Now that I have finally looked at the pictures, I have one or two more suggestions.

What about a smaller diameter for the crank pulley for that belt?

Why are you running a double pulley alternator without A/C. Typically the double pulley alternators were with the A/C cars and there were two belts for the crank-alt-a/c belt. Then they put the crank-water pump-P/S on another belt. Three belts. two on the alt-A/C, and one for the water pump and P/S.

With the non A/C cars, there was only one belt for the crank-alt-water pump. the grooves are in different places for the double pulley and single pulley alternators. You may need to get a single groove alternator and then find the correct era pulleys for the crank and water pump.

Mancini racing sells the pulleys to go A/C or non-A/C new.

I want to caution that I have a collection of pulleys in a box. I have also bought some brand new ones. They are all mixed together in the same "pulley box". I have noticed that when I tried the two pulleys that look like they are the brand new ones, the water pump pulley has too much runout - (front to rear wobble). I found on my son's engine that the older one did not have the wobble/runout that the newer looking ones do. I'm not sure if they came that way or not as I'm not sure if they were the new ones or not. If you buy a new one, put the pulley on a flat surface (table) and see if the groove for the belt is flat or not.

Here's some pictures of my son's engine for his Valiant showing how we set up his pulleys on the engine stand. I have many different angles for you to look at and see if yours are any different. It seems to be the same early 70's vintage as yours.

View attachment Ken 360 041114 Fuel Line A01 B.jpg

View attachment Ken 360 041114 Fuel Line A02 B.jpg

View attachment Ken 360 041114 Fuel Line A05 B.jpg

View attachment Ken 360 041114 Pulley A01 B.jpg

View attachment Ken 360 041114 Pulley A01 B2.jpg

View attachment Ken 360 041114 Pulley A02 B.jpg

View attachment Ken 360 041114 Pulley A02 B2.jpg

View attachment Ken 360 041114 Pulley A03 B.jpg

Here's a bird's eye view showing the alignment of the pulley belt grooves:

View attachment Ken 360 041114 Pulley A03 B2.jpg