Oh HELL yeah!!!

would be nice if this happened, but I'm skeptical. I served some time with the Marines in cali in the early 80's. it was pretty liberal then, I doubt it's any better now.
but hey, as long as we were spending money, the locals were cool.
I'm sure there are patriots in cali, but few are outspoken and are in the minority.

Trust me my uncles, cousins, grandfather and all my friends in the Marines and other branches would have said the same thing. Ignorant people such as that woman need to be put in their place. This article was actually written up in a newspaper and was on yahoo awhile back I think that's where my friend got it. Anyways if there were more people like this guy maybe ignorant uneducated people shooting their mouths off about things they know nothing about would keep their mouths shut or go back home. lol We can hope