Torque converter question

Yrs ago high stall converters were not very efficient and slipped a lot and if you buy a spragueless race converter it may drive like that but most common day high stall converters slip very little on light acceleration and the only time they build a lot of heat is when your dogging on them. A high stall converter will soften the shift so IT WILL affect shift feel to a degree. The looser the converter the softer the shift will be. I'm not talking a huge difference but a noticeable difference nonetheless

A quality high stall convertor will drive normal until you matt your foot to the floor.

Correct. I replaced a 2000 stall MP converter with a 3000 PTC converter and I noticed no difference driving under light throttle. I have a temp gauge on it and it never builds any more heat than the old 2k converter except when I dog on it.

I also agree with everyone that suggests not buying an off the shelf converter. Spend the extra to have it built for YOUR car and you'll get maximum performance and enjoyment out of it