Solar Panels

We just recently went solar. In fact, so recent that we're still waiting for the utility company to do their final inspection and give their blessing so we can turn the system on. I can't yet verify the savings.
We went with a lease through a company called Solar City since they offered a deal with absolutely no out-of-pocket expense. Their offer came at the perfect time because we'd just had two straight months of hot weather that resulted in electric bills of just under $200 per month. And that was with minimal air conditioning time.
The estimate for the combined lease and electric bill payment is under $80 per month for the months with the most usage. And the rates are locked-in for the next 20 years. No matter what, there will be some savings under our current electric rates and even more in the future as utility company rates increase.
We could have saved more on the monthly payments by doing a purchase rather than a lease, but a purchase didn't make economic sense to us. You definitely have to look at all factors before you make your decision.