What if I don't change my Master Cylinder on a disc conversion?

- And to nm9;Not only did i make assumptions, I took liberties. And I completely forgot that those drum/drum MCs were that much smaller.Thanks for the clarification.
-But even at 50 CCs,theres still a lot of wiggle room,for those who regularly check the fluid level. Also I was responding more to the posters who were imagining brake failure on the first application,than to those who never check the fluid levels.
OK, liberties are fine LOL! And I recognized that you were answering the questions of "will it work at all?" Of course it will; the diameters are are right and so forth. It is only a question of how much reservoir capacity there is and how will it effect long term operation.

I just wanted to keep all aspects of this straight, so people considering this will have all the data points for their own best decisions. And we might have some guy asking someday " Why do I have to add fluid to my drum MC with disc calpers? Is this a problem? "
