Restoring old Valve covers....

Yeah it is sort of weird.... I suppose, BUT these valve covers are no longer able to be used "In-Service" due to rust and the seal factor, just isn't there any more, plus in area's the metal is well pretty weak to do any sort of "tightening" on them. BUT considering they're old and have been slated just prior to me getting them for the scrap pile,and going in for metal weight, I thought I'd grab what I could for the giving them, you know?

Save 'em for future young people that are going to all but forget or well in some cases never know what they were or that they even exist!

I have one done and waiting, the other slant 6 valve cover, thats going to have lights put into them, and then as a model car builder, it is going to be a "top" to a display case that will house my models, and be lighted up at the same time......Which will give the entrance to my "Man Cave" a bit more "manlyness" to it when in place!