68 barracuda fast back- removing rear seat

here is some additional information for anyone else removing the rear seats..

the hinge on each side of the seat back does have 2 bolts that attach the hinge to the interior body,,as mentioned in the post above,, however there are a formed metal covers over the hinges.

to can take the hinge to body bolts out,, only to find that the formed metal covers on each side trap the hinges and seat back in place..

To get the formed metal covers out of the way,, there is one exposed phillips head screw,, and a second screw hidden under the rear cargo area side pannels..

to remove the cargo area side pannels,, along the top egde is a thin trim strip,, has one screw on the trainling end, the strip is held inplace with that screw and a series of spring clips. Under the trim strip and at the lower corners of the pannels are small screws that hold the pannels in place,, some of the screws are under the carpeting on the pannels.

remove the pannels,, then one can get to the screw holding the metal cover over the back seat hinges..

complicated, but that is what worked for me,, I am in process of removing the car's interior, so this was all on the agenda anyway.
