Has,nt sunk in yet

That sucks , what the hell ever happened to employment standards and labour laws ? at least with the Onion we get an hours notice at the end off the day and it's always a layoff guaranteeing unemployment benefits .

He CAN file for SUI, and if he does, he WILL collect. State Unemployment Insurance does not require a "layoff slip" to collect unemployment, as long as you weren't fired for committing a crime, ie: Stealing, vandalizing, fighting, threatening, industrial espionage, etc. or a disciplinary action.

A lay off slip would make collecting happen quicker, as it indicates that the employer is not contesting the collection of SUI, but, after the Labor Department contacts the ex-employer, and learns that there were no illegal grounds, and/or that separation was not the end result of a series of disciplinary actions against the employee ( usually in about two week) he can start collecting.

It doesn't require a union, and the existing labor laws are quite sufficient, and do err, when necessary, on the side of the ex-employee, unless, as I stated above, the firing was the result of a crime, or repeated offenses of company policy which resulted in a disciplinary separation.
...and even then, after a waiting period of approximately 6 weeks, even a "fired for Discipline" ex-employee will be allowed to collect, as a rule. There are exceptions to that, but, they ARE exceptions.