Engine dyno software. Anything good on the Internet?

Well if I can sneek this in everyone can have a copy of dyno 2003

To download u need to follow these instructions as its like walking through a Lion pit with a chicken tied around you neck in terms of trojans and annoying pop ups. Follow instructions you will be fine
First of all go to your desktop and right click an open space and select New > Folder then name that folder Dyno2003.

Right click the link below and select "open in new tab" so you can still read these instructions

http://www.4shared.com/zip/Z2PZf8-a/Des ... _2003.html

Then click the blue button that says "Download Now no virus detected", only this button can be clicked
Then there will be a timer with a 20 second countdown, wait for the timer to reach 0 seconds
Then click "download file now" and select "save as" and select to save to the folder "Dyno2003" you created on your desktop

Once its downloaded open the folder Dyno2003 you created
In there will be a zip folder called "Desktop dyno 2003".
Double click it and it will open.
In there is a folder called "crack" and a dyno 2003 application.
Double click the folder desktop dyno 2003 and let it install as it prompts you.
Once its installed it will go to a different location, to find it go to drive (or whatever is your main working hard drive) C:Dyno2003 then in that folder in therewill be an icon called dyno2003 which is an application about 1.4 mb in size. Clicking on this will open the program.
Once the program is open you will find its locked and you cant make adjustments.

Now to make it work go into the folder where the icon you click to start the program is. ie C:dyno2003/
Right click and delete this application icon that starts the program
Now open the folder on your desktop where you originally saved it, and open the folder called "crack" in there right click and copy the only item in there called Dyno2003 (which is an application)
Then go back to the exact folder where you deleted the application icon from before.
Now paste the icon you just copied from "Crack" in there.
Once its pasted u should be able to click on the icon in its new location and Desktop dyno 2003 will open.

Now you should have a full functioning Dyno 2003 with advanced activations and pro tools

Let me know if it doesnt work or if you have any troubles

P.S I never wrote this post it was done through a collaboration between my cat and my dog ;)
It's called stealing , hope there are no hidden backdoors built into that "cracked" program , take your chances .