Engine dyno software. Anything good on the Internet?

Stealing software is wrong! Just because you can do it does not make right.
So is it ok to steal your tools or your car?

I also am familiar with the software creator, pehaps a link to this will thread will help him.

Ever photocopied a page out of a friend's workshop manual?
Ever looked at pictures of a tool you can't afford and decided to produce your own?
Ever taped a movie onto VHS or a song from the radio?
Ever watched Pay per view at a friend's place for free?
Ever sold something for more than you bought it for and not paid tax on the profit?

There's stealing, which removes possession from a person who has paid for an item.
ie, stealing your tools or your car.

Then there's just taking advantage of beneficial things that are at your disposal without having a negative effect on others.

And let's be honest here, if digital property was sold at a pricepoint which reflected the fact that there are no overheads to maintain, running costs, distribution costs or any other normal expenditures associated with running a business then there would be a lot more people willing to pay for the legitimate copy.

For example if a DVD quality movie cost $3.50 from an online store for direct download. you'd get a lot fewer people pirating the $28 DVD someone bought at walmart.

So no, I'd never steal tools or a car, but IF I could download them I definitely would.