How bad does this look?

If it means anything, the rest of the car does look pretty good for what it is. The moment the keys are handed to me, those seat covers and floor mats are going in the trunk. The front seats are in perfect condition as is the back seat. The carpet shows it's age, but is still not too bad. A question though, what are those things around the interior door handle called and where can I get them? The ones on the car are well deteriorated and I'd like to replace them. Also, I have since replaced the speedometer and that now works. Since that picture was taken, about 600 or so miles were put on it and those are original miles. Unfortunately, I just replaced the whole unit and the mileage differed by about 1K or so, but it doesn't really matter to me much. I'm taking the cluster out again to fix the lights and I can spin it up with my drill to where it should be. What does bother me, and I don't know why, is the one I put in reads up to 120 whereas the original only read up to 100. It reads correctly as far as I can tell. And I must say that I like that whoever put in the newer radio decided to install it under the dash rather than cut the dash. If I can, I'm going to find a stock radio for it too.

So you already bought it?