ex girlfreind .....

Fair enough.

Just for the sake of role reversal, Amy has been to more topless bars than I have.

The exact number that I've been to is zero. It doesn't bug me that she liked going to the ones that she did. That was before us. We have yet to go.

I guess my point is only that marriage doesn't equal commitment...

There are harder arguments as to the definition of commitment. Some people commit themselves to polygamy. There is a big poly movement and those people are happy with that.

I guess, in my mind and going out on a limb, with most, I think the idea of commitment is just being honest and on the same page as your partner, or partners. This guy did it behind her back. If I want to, I've got a free ride, although I'd rather go with Amy if I did and she's mentioned it before.

I really don't care to, but the general idea behind our relationship is that we are always on the same page. True = honesty, etc.