Meat smoking

Going to try a Turkey Breast today. Ernie mixed up a brine consisting of water, molasses and brown sugar. Bought a bag of Applewood chunks last time I was in town. They have been soaking since yesterday morning. Hope I don't overdue it with the flavored chunks. Last time I experimented I added way to much flavored wood...

Asked Ernie about her Tamale recipe. She will get to it some time in the next few days, hopefully. Couple of things need to be known, she is not one for measuring things. They are a bit time consuming to make so when we make them we often make 12 dozen or so. More people making them the easier it will be. We only use beef in them, she does not like Pork. Former co-worker came over one time to learn how to make them. Randy had just filled an Elk tag. Made a few with just the Elk meat in them, nobody really cared for them. When the Elk was mixed with some Beef was a whole different story....