bigblock Dart

Yeah, I guess if you don't have confidence in your own skill's or perhaps have more money than you need, that would be the way to go.

A man's got to know his limitations - Clint Eastwood .... I know mine.

I certainly don't have more money than I need. I just know how much money goes into an engine build or a car build for that matter and consider, in perspective of that amount, 1,000 is a small amount and to me, worth it.

it's not to save money

it's just for learning / enjoyment / satisfaction etc.

by the time you buy the tools you need any money saved would probably be a break-even. ring compressor, mic, dial mic, calipers, plastigauge, cleaning supplies, gasket sealer, anti seize compound, white lube, etc.

you definitely would do it with guidance of a machine shop buddy if it's your first time

This I agree with /\ /\ /\