Etched glasses & mugs - update

Evening folks, this will update my thread from last month where I offered up for sale custom etched glasses and mugs. That ad was pulled due to packages being delivered with broken glassware. Having shipped literally cases of them out last year I was pretty surprised when the trouble started.

Anyhow, I have purchased some insulation that I believe will resolve the shipping problems and now wish to offer the glasses and mugs again. Due to the purchase of insulation I must increase shipping to cover it. New prices:

Glasses $5.50 each or $5.00 if you purchase 4 or more.
Mugs $6.50 each or $6.00 if you purchase 4 or more.
Shipping $15.95 U.S. flat rate, international shipping at cost plus $1.00.

A couple new designs I've recently shipped, plus a pic of the mug (btw, that is coffee in the mug...)