Amy is thinking about changing tops...

Something I've thought about. I think as long as I keep a good cleaner in the car with a dedicated terrycloth, I'll probably do the same thing. It does live under a cover and under a carport. Will be living in the garage, when done.

Man, I hate to be a downer, but for a car that lives in anything but a climate controlled garage I don't think I could ever leave a vinyl top in place. They just breed rust if they're exposed to any kind of moisture.

My GK6 GT is a California car through and through. Built in LA, spent it's entire life in the Sacramento valley and foothills. It's a really clean car, except for the top. It had a nice black vinyl top, and at some point the car started living outside. It needs the entire roof skin replaced, some parts of it look like swiss cheese and half the roof skin is about as thick as tin foil. My EL5 GT is also a California car, and has spent it's whole life in pretty much the same area. And fortunately, someone took the white vinyl top off of it and just primered the top white. It spent some time outdoors too, but you could never tell based on the body, it's completely rust free.

There are only two things that rust out roof skins- ocean air and vinyl tops. I think the vinyl tops look good, but the only way I'd ever put one on a car is if I knew it would always be garaged, and would rarely, if ever, see rain. And since my cars are drivers, that means no vinyl tops.