How to cut out rear wheel wells (radius wheel)

Alright so let me see if I got this or I'm over complicating it...

1)rear suspension must be in, and I take it held up with jack stands on the rear axles putting all of the vehicles weight on it.

2)take a tire that is a couple inches taller than my actually tire

3)using 3/8 brake line, use that to form the tires shape by forming it on tire. I take it only go half and half, by that I mean only form the upper half of tire.

4) measure distance from center of wheel to the end of tire tread.

5)hold measuring tape up to center of axle, at the end of calculated length dot it with I take it a sharpie.

6)hold prebent brake line to wheel well, tack weld it in and with a cut off wheel, carefully go at it until you have a nice cut formed along prebent brake line

7)finish adding some more tack weld on brake line, fill with bondo, shape and done.

Is this right?