Instrument gremlins.

Look out for corroded contacts.
And as for the heater question, there are variables. The heater may stop working due to these possible reasons:
Bad fan motor
Bad fan speed switch
Bad resistors
You can check the blower motor by momentarily linking a hot 12 volt line to see if the motor kicks on. (again check the wiring diagram to make sure you don't fry stuff).

Here is a Wiring diagram for 75 Valiant And a 73 Valiant in color: (The wiring color code should be similar)

This is the color coded one: (Large size picture)

When I started this project. I had asked a electrical question, and in return somebody replied, " Why are you asking this question, go out, and buy a service manual." The reason I didn't is because 90% of the engine side of the firewall wiring, gets ripped out, and thrown in the scrap heap. The wiring for the directional, on the engine side of the firewall is easy, but mistakes can still be made. I have all that wiring so nicely wrapped, I cring at the though of re-doing it.
I have a wiring diagram for a 1974 Dodge dart from Mymopar dot com, but some of the stuff my car came with, just wasn't on that diagram. Plus I suppose the old, " If you can't see it, ignore it." doesn't work with cars. The magical kingdom under the dash may need fixing. I look forward to answering many of my curious question, as I sit down on the thrown for the ole' morning constitution. Thank you so much.