Let's get this slant turbo project started. 71 Dart

Just found this on Amazon.com

You can make your own gasket, may be handy with the exhaust pipe sizing issue?


Remflex GS16511 Gasket Sheet

Remflex DIY material comes in a standard 1/8 Inch thickness and is designed to crush 50 percent allowing it to fill any pits or gaps in the flange surface up to 1/16 Inch; DIY Gasket Sheet 6-1/2" x 11" x 1/8" Thick Remflex Do-It-Yourself Gasket Sheet Material
Though Remflex DIY material is thicker than other material bolts longer than your existing fasteners are not required
This DIY material can be easily cut with a razor blade or Exacto-Knife
Trace your pattern first then punch or drill out any bolt holes then the inside holes and then the outside shape
A sample practice piece of the material comes with your order to practice on before you begin your project; it is highly recommend that you do this and get a feel for the material before you handle the gasket sheet