Who wants to hang out in Ferguson tonite

Awesome video! Sounds like the speech my father gave to my two older brothers and myself. About forty years ago. Lol My father is black my Mother is white (Austrian/Hungarian). My father is a second world war, Korean and Vietnam Vet. All of us have served and are Veterans. My older Brother is still in 29 years. He and I joined at the same time. I would still be in, but, I broke! Lol Anyway! I've seen racism from both sides. It just makes me stronger. Not white enough to be white. Not black enough to be black. Lmao. I'm me. I love mopars, been building cars and engines for decades. No my Valiant doesn't have 20's on it. My brother does have a Caddy! But, it's a heavily modded ten second "V". Lol. It's natural to stereotype. I do it. I'm a Country boy at heart because that's how I grew up. I've seen alot of the world and it's pretty much the same all over. I lived in Germany as a Civilian for about ten years. They deal with racism also. Some people create this on themselves. But you can't blame the race. I'm not happy with the way alot of people act. But, I will only take them out if threatened. I've run into many of cops and MP's that missed used there authority. Hell, most of us have seen a boss or upper ranking person miss use there rank. Down range it has happened alot, resulting in friendly fire casualties. People have to live with there dicisions. (Or not)! People these days are so easily sparked by the internet, or games. They have no backbone. They just blind follow. I believe most of these people don't even understand why they are protesting. We had a scare a few months ago because of some movie, these kids were going to act out. REALLY! If they showed up on my property, it would have been ugly! I still have the M82! Lol Sorry about the long winded speech. I like this site alot. Have met some outstanding people here. For one don't get misguided by the internet, or the damn media. Get facts. Happy Thanksgiving!