Thanksgivings Back When... Please share

Just thought it might be cool to hear about the things our members enjoyed about Thanksgiving in the past...Happy Thanksgiving, let's make some new memories today!

For me, I'll always remember the Thanksgivings in the '60's and '70's. Grandma and Grandpa made the 50 mile drive from St. Pete in their VW. Grandma always came with Cool-Whip which her generation considered a break-through because it saved them from having to make whipped cream and they could even keep it in the freezer. She also brought the Mrs. Smith's pies. Pumpkin and apple, and mince, which only my Dad and Grandpa liked. All bought using coupons she collected. She also made the fruit salad with coconut and mini-marshmallows. We always had a "relish tray" with raw vegetables, radishes, etc. Turkey and all the usual side dishes; and always "sausage dressing."

Grandpa had worked for DuPont, first making cellophane, then rayon. Why are Grandpa's hands so shaky, I asked my Dad once, it was from the chemicals he was around back then. So it was difficult for him to eat, and he had to use both hands to hold his coffee cup. But he was great with us kids, he knew how to do card tricks.

Grandpa also worked for a china factory, and when they went out of business during the depression, workers got paid in sets of china, so that was our special china we only used on Thanksgiving and Christmas. It was nothing very fine, just roses with a gold rim, but it was special to us.

Back then Grandma and Grandpa smoked. Grandpa had a little machine that stuffed tobacco into paper tubes. But when the price got too high, they just smoked the last cigarettes and quit.

Grandma was always knitting. We all loved wearing the sweaters and slippers she made us in colors we liked.

They only stayed a few hours, so they would get back to St. Pete before dark. Also, their cat was home alone and they didn't like to leave her for too long. We all gathered around the light blue VW and said good-bye. Till Christmas!

I'm thankful for today's Thanksgiving but for me, the ones with Grandma and Grandpa were the best.