Thanksgivings Back When... Please share

The year we had Aunt Bib living with us for Bird Day. She was my moms sister. She lived with us and off for a while. Aunt Bib, all 4'10" of her...230 at her lightest....deep into the 400 at her heaviest. She was staying on the basement with her Daughter from her second husband. There was 6 of us at the dinner table that year. My Dad really loved all the left overs. Would always have a big enough bird so he could have sandwiches for a few days. I had the flu that year. I was semi comatose on the sofa that night. Aunt Bib was hungry. Aunt Bib was always hungry. At her size there was no sneaking up a flight of wooden steps. She stuck her head in the living room to check on me. I pretended to be asleep. Heard her go to the fridge. And then head back down stairs. Few seconds later heard the stairs creeping. Back down she went. Dad wakes up the next morning, opens the fridge to get something and just about came unraveled. My Dad was a very peaceful man, never any cursing, had never even heard him raise his voice....til now...He was livid. Aunt Bib ate it all. Everything that was leftover. We had gotten the biggest bird Larsons Turkey Farm had. Gigantic bowl of leftover stuffing...Several pies, all that there was at least half of them...all gone. He was in the major freak out mode. I remained quiet.
Fast forward a few days. Aunt Bib ALWAYS had at least 3 half gallons of ice cream. My Dad, in the first vengeful act I had ever witnessed by him, called up everyone in our neighbor hood who had kids and invited them over for ice cream. Aunt Bib came home a few hours later. Went to get some ice cream....she went nuts. I remember her screaming that the least we could have done was save her a spoonful. Few days later Dad is in the freezer, laughing. He comes to the table with a half gallon of Aunt Bibs ice cream and three spoons. He put a spoonful aside and then he and I ate the rest...he put the one spoonful of ice cream back in the container and put it back in the freezer. Aunt Bib moved out a few days later...