Who wants to hang out in Ferguson tonite

Actually, what Johnson had to say about Brown seemed more on point with the truth, than what Wilson said went down, in their own words that were released.

Johnson didn't paint his friend in a good light at all, but officer Wilson said he tried entering the car, when Johnson told the jury that he pulled Brown up to it after pulling up on them and getting in his face about walking down the middle of the street.

I think its a shame that Michael Brown acted like a complete, reckless, posturing jackass, dragging his friend into it and I think its a shame that the officer was provoked and angered to the point of shooting him to death, during the altercation.

I also agree that family is the source of all good and evil, but I don't agree that poor people should be put down for taking benefits.

What about my case? I grew up poor. My mom, who was abused by my dad, had to leave him and there were times when her two jobs weren't enough to support us, so yeah, we got food from the food bank here and there.

I grew up, went to trade school and educated myself enough to support Amy and our son, who's dad is a recovering alcoholic. How did I manage that? Did I become dependent on food stamps? No. Do I think they are a good idea? Yeah. My mom needed them at times.

If you're gonna get angry at anyone for making people live on government sub, look at every Wal-Mart store that each cost tax payers 1mil a year in subs for employees, while the company is in the multi billion dollar profit margin.

This isn't about welfare. This is about a dipshit kid dragging his friend to witness his death by a hot headded rookie cop and no more.

Who is Johnson? Is this Michael Brown's accomplice in robbing the store? Yes he got involved with something he probably never intended to be involved with. In his interviews with the media, just after the shooting, he claimed that Michael was shot in the back, that he had his hands raised, and the cop just blew him away.

The young man I am talking about being murdered was DeAndre Joshua. And I was mistaken, he was 20, not a teenager. He was one of the people that testified about what happened and it was nothing like the protesters are claiming.