Mopar Addicts - How'd You Get Hooked?

The day my soon to be Dad drove up to pick my Mom up for a date in his new 1970 440-6pak 4 speed convertible Road Runner! Red with a white top and interior! Had those bubble wrap looking clear seat covers on it, probably just for me and my brother! We loved that car!! Dad was tight with the Fox Hills racing program and reportedly had 5 6pak motors dyno'd and the best one put in his car! Ran a solid 12 flat, my brother still has the time slips!! His friend had a 70 Hemi GTX, blue!! When he came over they would both drive the mile or so over to Telegraph Rd. and run them! Reportedly Dad never lost to him, and he would retreat home and do something else to his car and come back! I remember my brother and I rolling under the front of his friends car and seeing that huge chrome oil pan!!

Also helped that my grandpa was a Kendall Oil rep and took us to all the big races! He was friends with Garlits, Kallitta, Keremecenes...all the old timers!!

May be my brother will chime in here with a couple pics!! The old roadrunner is long gone, but pics of it still remain, as well as a great pic of grandpa with his girlfriend Linda Vaughn!! Geof