That didnt go well!

Tonight I went out to finish the sanding of the engine compartment and inner front fenders. Got done around 9:00PM and thought I might as well shoot some primer on it. So I put plastic down from the walls and taped everything up. Then I got out the primer that was left over from another paint job someone had done for me about a year ago. Had just about a quart in the can and I stirred and stirred till it was mixed up really well. I have a first line paint gun that was given to me a few years back and it has a 1.4 tip. I added the activator in the primer and started at the right side inner fender and shock tower area. I could get enough primer out of the gun. I kept backing out the needle and adding more air pressure but I guess it was just too small of needle and cap. Guess tomorrow I will be getting a new gallon of primer along with a gun that will do a better job with primer. It isnt a dry coating but it wasnt what I would call a wet coat either. Now the question is can I just shoot over that coat in a few days or do I have to rough sand it.
Oh, just in case you are wondering.... no I never painted before so its all new to me! Gonna be fun I can tell!