Noob mistakes with your car

Holy necro batman! :D
Well, 'tis the season for Jesus to be pulling his Lazarus stunt again...

This happened almost 20 years ago. I was at the DIY auto shop on base in Millington, TN, doing an oil change on my 92 Ford Ranger. I was raising the truck up on the lift, and almost had it where I wanted it, when I noticed the truck shift. I stopped it, and lowered it some, so I could check it out. Walked all around the truck, all four tires were sitting firmly on the ramps, so I started raising it again. A couple seconds later, the whole truck shifts again, and looks like it's going to fall toward the center of the lift. I stop it, and lower it again. This time, when I walk around the truck, I shut the driver's side door. Or attempt to, anyway. It just thuds against the truck frame. I look at it, and the entire top part of the door is bent down. I hadn't noticed it, but there were bars around the outside of the lift that made up part of the frame. When I raised my truck I had left the driver's door open and the door had caught on this bar. I lowered the truck completely and managed to get the upper door frame sort-of bent back into the proper shape so it would shut completely. Luckily it was a nice day and I'd had the window down. If it had been up it would have shattered.

Believe it or not, I still have the truck.