Noob mistakes with your car

I didn't do it but the new car mgr at the dealership I work at pulled a good one!
The lot guys pushed a new Viper up from the clean up bay,as they were not to drive it. the new car mgr decided that he was going to take it for a quick spin in the lot before he brought it into the showroom.
As he blasted off, the wind caught the fiberglass hardtop and it went flying and shattered when it hit the pavement.
Now I missed the whole scene but Tom comes to the parts counter and he's white as a ghost. "How much is a hardtop for the Viper?" I looked it up and it's $2700 back in 1997. I don't know how, but he managed to get Chrysler to pay for the top. But from that point on, Vipers were pushed into the showroom from the washrack. The only person who drove one was the prep tech.