Noob mistakes with your car

How about driving off after doing a nice wash job on a car, including polishing up the aftermarket sunroof, then at 30mph feeling a whoosh as it lifted off (forgot to clip it in), and then watch it explode in the rearview on the street behind me. Fortunately, no cars behind, although the orange setting sun made for one pretty and spectacular view :)


I had something similar happen with my '68 Mustang- it had a lift-off hood (thanks to the hood hinges being shot lol). I accelerated rather briskly (thanks to the 351C under the hood) and then noticed the front of the hood lift up about 8 inches and hover there. And then flip right off the car.
I watched it land on the road upside-down behind me, slammed on the brakes, and ran out to get it off the road before the car behind me could run over it.