Noob mistakes with your car

After spending a couple years building the Dart, back in August I finally got to the point were I could drive it again. I had checked over everything important (so I thought) and headed down the road for my maiden voyage. I was cruising down the freeway about 3 miles from home and heard a knocking noise from the front that would change frequency with the speed of the car. It got louder and louder to the point I knew something bad was happening, even though I wanted to ignore it. While pulling over, I poked my head out the window to look up front and the front wheel was wobbling like crazy. I then went into panick mode and got it shut down. Upon looking at the problem, 4 of the 5 lug nuts were gone! It then dawned on me. 2 weeks prior when I put the wheels on, I only snugged the lugs while the wheels were in the air. Then that day when I dropped it to the ground, I did not do a final torque to any of the wheels. The last lug that was still hanging on the front wheel had a spun lug in the rotor and thus prevented the nut from backing off and losing the wheel at highway speed. The damage could have been bad but ended up with only having to buy a new rotor. Pretty embarrassing when you can't remember to check the most basic thing of a car!