oh no, is this 8.75 housing too bad?

Looking at your pictures, it DOES look like they may have cut to much off the end....if that's the case, green bearings would still be ok.. I would STILL run that thing and not think twice.

Anyone know if green bearings go into the housing tubes normally or not. I would assume they aren't much longer than a tapered bearing, so I would think not. Anyone want to measure a standard housing end length for me? Just trying to clear some things up so I go into this with some knowledge over the next couple of days. Whitepunkonnitro is sending me reasonably priced housing ends in case I need them, and aaadave has kindly offered an early b-body rear if it helps. One way or the other this is getting taken care of.

aaadave, anyone you would recommend to do the jig work/welding/pressing I am going to be looking at doing? I called savage performance just down the road from me, and they work mostly on 9" fords, but it seems like they could do the work.