67Dart273 (Del)

Hmmmm.....let me see if I got this straight....just because someone is knowledgeable they should be respected? And all along I thought respect was earned...and it is very difficult for some folks to respect a person who talks "at" a person, not with them....but what the hell do I know???

Of course I am not accusing ANYONE here, present or not, of talking "at" anybody....but again, what the hell do I know????

Of course not. I was trying to act like SOME things I did not have to say. You know, like common sense?

That said, I know I get sick and tired of saying the same thing over and over and over......get a factory service manual. Especially when people ask "how do I work on drum brakes?" or some such that could easily be answered in a book they would use as long as they own the vehicle.

There's a whole generation that instead of wanting to actually learn about how to do things, want it all handed to them and told to them how to do it. What's that accomplish?

Most of the stuff I know how to do, I learned by doing it. Just jumping in. I mean really, these old cars screw together with nuts and bolts. If you can screw a nut on a bolt, then you got it licked, yet some people cannot grasp that reality and ask the same simplistic questions over and over and over, refusing known good advice. People grow weary of continuing to give advice when those who've asked for it won't listen.

I agree about talking "at" people. I am guilty as are you and most of the rest of us. I guess we have the internet to thank for that. People mistakenly think they can not abide by simple manners that we use in person everyday. I am 100% guilty myself. All any of us can do is to try harder to remember there are real people on the other side.