340 driver's manifold

From Corpus Christi, Texas. One 340 driver's manifold. I buy and sell these manifolds along with Dakota and 360 manifolds but this one has a small problem. I bought it from a FABO member and it was painted flat black when I received it. It looked very nice until I had it sand blasted.. As it turns out it has these three pin holes (for lack of a better description). After sand blasting I noticed the pin holes (the flat black paint made the holes impossible to see) and wondered if they go all the way through to the inside. I got some safety wire and poked the pin holes and can feel the bottom of the holes and as far as I can tell they do not go all the way through. I know that some FABO members know how to fix cast iron and I am selling this manifold at a discount JUST IN CASE the buyer has to repair it even though the holes do not go all the way through to the inside. The pin holes look like a factory casting flaws as many of these old manifolds have flaws here and there. I can sell this really nice looking manifold for $225 OBO (just to get my money back) plus shipping. As an option I can also sell it with a 360 "machined" magnum passenger's manifold for $190 plus shipping. This manifold should work just fine the way it is but I can not "in good conscious" ask the normal full price and can not guarantee that it might possibly leak once it gets hot and expands . Please understand that I believe that the pin holes do not go all the way through but I have never installed it on an engine and do not know what might happen when it heats up under normal engine use. It has been sand blasted, painted with high heat primer then top coated with high heat manifold paint then cured for 12 hours at 150 degrees.

PS - It might be as easy as tapping threads into the small holes and screwing some very small set screws into the holes or some tapered thread set screws. The holes are less than 1/8" in diameter and not very deep.
