67Dart273 (Del)

Got an Email from Del this morning. He's ok had some problems with his arthritis. He's getting caught up with projects including his car, just taking some time for Him self.
I met Del when I first came on this sight. I was right in the middle of electrical problems in my Dart. I had a lot of PM's to Him. He was more then helpful even after the second , third and fourth times, Finally THE BOOK , GET THE BOOK ! This wasn't because He was fed up
(well maybe a little ) He was saying get a manual so you see what I'm telling you. I can talk until I'm blue in the face but fallow along and you'll understand. I was just one person.
I can't imagine the number of PM's he got a day. Its amazing how people fall from grace
around here. Remember we are all on here because we have a common entrust . There is an abundance of knowledge on this site . Take or leave it as you wish but no one should be belittled for sharing what He or She knows. I'm not pointing fingers, don't know what went on ,don't want to know . Just saying WE need to check ourselves once and awhile.