Gary Simpson R.I.P.

This has been a tough day. Gary is my cousin and we lost him early this morning. He was 55 yrs. young and seemed to be in ok health. We we're real good buds growing up. Unfortunately as life goes once we both got married and started our families we never got together but a few times since. He was a diehard Mopar guy and neither of us had a lot of money growing up so we sure did a lot of bench racing. I remember him buying his first Mopar muscle car, a 69 Dart 340 GT. Looked a little worse for the wear but it ran like a scalded dog. When I got the word from his mom today she mentioned how one of his old buddies stopped by last night and they reminisced about their young wild days. How lucky his buddy was to be able to do that on Gary's last night on earth. I wish I had been so lucky.

Gary you will certainly be missed, but never forgotten. :sad11: