Snake is so sorry.

For being an *** and what ever you can call me.I have found myself since my Stroke some 1 1/2 years back i have become bitter,don't know why,I was always a nice guy willing to help who ever but now i am a total looser.So I am very sorry for being an ***, my brain just don't work like it used to,Just don't know what happened to me.:???:
I have not noticed any negative post but maybe a couple moody ones, we all can be a bit moody Snake, but yes I agree after a stroke our brains can make some negative thoughts even when we look at something positive that was not harmful to anyone and take it in like it was :toothy1: I have been told I read into this wrong at times :evil3: I walk away from it and don't let it bother me or try to anyway :D Your a cool dude and fun member in my book :color: Let the good vibes roll :cheers: