Door Glass Chrome Trim Coming off

Rick, thank you! Have a couple questions for you. Does the tape sit in the "U" of the chrome trim or on the flats and that are the inside and outside of the glass? How do I know what tape thickness to get?

Every time the trim comes off I just push it tight up to the glass and it sits nicely against the quarter window trim, if this helps.

The setting tape fits in the "U" of the chrome piece, then it slides onto the edge of the glass. The best way to determine the thickness needed is to use a micrometer on any old small piece of it that you can. Or....because you'll only need a foot or two of it and it's not absurdly expensive, a lot of our customers will buy a couple feet of each thickness and use what fits best. This setting tape is also used on the lower edge of the vent wing windows where the wing pivot goes on the bottom of the vent wing glass too......