Snake is so sorry.

Snake, I understand some of what you are going through. I suffered a stoke last year. Everyone trys to tell you that you are lucky to have survived it but I didn't feel lucky. All I knew is that I was different and missed not being able to do all the things I once could. My speech and left side were affected. I have relearned to speak and have regained use of my left side, not perfect, its still quite weak but better. Your brain can rewire itself in many ways, it all about repetition. keep working, that includes the way you think and express yourself. it will get better and better. I can no longer doo all the work on my car, but feel happy to do what I can. Pills are not always the way and doctors I feel are too quick to offer them instead of taking the time to help you understand whats happened and help you work through things. Hang in there, things will get better. Help others understand whats happened and I'm sure they will understand and help you work through things.
Feel free to contact me anytime you need someone to talk to.