Snake is so sorry.


Yes, I was at work and kept telling my co workers that I felt like I was in a fog. My dexterity was off. My fine motor skills were off. Initially my speech was slow but understandable. I waked over to medical, about a one mile walk, and said I felt "off". They took normal vitals and performed an ekg. The doc came in and looked me over and the last thing he asked me to smile. He asked me if I always had a crooked smile? I said I didn't know, maybe? He said they were really busy today, can you come back tomorrow. Got an appointment for the next day. Walked back to my office and ate luch at my desk. Talked with my buddy at work, said I am going to reassemble the pump I had cleaned this morning and was going home, I am not feeling well. Called my wife and she said my speech was off and wanted to come pick me up. I live about 25 miles from work, I said no, I will drive myself home. Got home and decided to take a nap? Watched a little tv and went to bed early. In the morning I woke up at about 3am, my wife asked me where are you going? All I could say was I'm going. In my mind I said I am going to work. She realized something was way off, called a friend who is a physicians assistant. He said get me to the er immediately. See my email above. Oh, the book I suggested was authored by Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph.D A brain scientists personal journey. She had suffered a massive stroke. I have read it now about 3 times. I feel very fortunate for my journey and if I can help in any way, let me know.

J. J.