1968 Barracuda 318 Smoking....good compression

Any way to test an intake heat driven choke

Sure. Heat the choke coil & watch for movement. Take a temp reading when movement starts and when it ends.

How to do this, you ask? Remote, non-contact temperature gun, young Grasshopper. Something like this: http://www.amazon.com/HDE-Non-Contact-Temperature-Thermometer-Targeting/dp/B002YE3FS4/ref=sr_1_18?ie=UTF8&qid=1418528258&sr=8-18&keywords=Remote+Temperature+Sensors Need to be sure it has the range for testing the choke.

The maintenance people at work have a couple of these to test A/C at vents that are hard to reach. They are within a couple of degrees of thermometers they can put in the air stream.