11:1 compression ratio fuel?

If it's 11:1 with that cam I think it might be ok on pump 93 as long as you can tune it. You'll want to look at the total timing and make sure it stays under 35°. You'll also want to make sure that it doesn't come in too quick, or start coming in too early. Then you can make sure the carb is tuned right, not just at idle, but jetting and power valve especially. It can be done, but you have to know how to tune it. Taking initial advance out is probably not the best idea... I'd guess it would like 16-18° initial, and the rest centrifigual, starting at 2K and all in by 3500.


Not enough initial timing is the first thing I'd do. Probably closer to 20* The stumble was likely because it was so fat at idle to run that when it transitioned, you nailed a lean spot that was needed to try and clean up the dirty bottom end. Fix the mechanical advance and go from there.

That compression and cam may be able to run a 93 pump gas. It will be razor thin on the tune up to run it.