Anyone have any regrets from their past

Of course ... everybody does. I call them the "would'a, could'a, should'a's"

Wish I "would'a, could'a and should'a" invested and kept some Hemi E-bodies. I managed to land one, but it didn't take long before I had to release it back into the wild.

In late '83 I got a '70 HemiCuda that I scrimped, saved, and borrowed to get. Then in late '86 I met a hot blonde who was "the one". Shortly thereafter there was an engagement, a wedding, and kids - goodby HemiCuda. Simply couldn't afford to keep both the Fish and a family.

In retrospect, I should have played with the blonde until the dreaded "L-word" came up and then said "see ya!" as I roared off in the Cuda. LOL! Just kidding. 28 years later I'm still married to that blonde and she still rocks! But I must admit, I often think about the Fish that I had and let go ...